App crashing on exit

Not sure why...but sometimes whenever I close my app(press physical back or home button), the app crashes. Error "The application ShapeBuilder (process org.blah.blah) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." and a button that says Force close.

Any thoughts on how to prevent/fix this?

There is nothing you can do about this. Ansca has to fix the android engine. It was reported already many times.

Do any of the Corona sample apps do this or just your app? What device is it happening on?

@MikeHart, I need to look to see what's been reported before and look into the status for a fix.

Does this link describe what you're seeing?


Figured it out. If I play an mp3, then it will error when closing the app (even if mp3 is finished playing) Reproducible in 1 line of code:


download file here:

Added this as case #541.

Thanks for the input.


Fixed for beta 8.

Yes, that is what I ment.


Are there other Android crash issues beyond the MP3 sound issue?


I have a crash but I suspect it is regarding file writes. Im writing 2 lines after the game ends (level and score), but I think the second write is causing a crash because when I read it back, the second read doesn't have the correct data.

And I also have an issue with web popups, I have to disable them for the Android 1.5 builds because it also crash the application (trying to display an Admob)

Thanks! Great job by the way :)

There are number of issues with Android builds that we are working on. We hope to have an update soon.

views:1713 update:2011/10/9 22:34:50
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