admob external workaround not working???

I know this is not an officially supported corona feature, but others have gotten it working and for some reason using the exact same code it won't work for me. I have an admob account, created an iphone web based ad, but when i view the ad through a browser (safari with developer extensions enabled) or through webpopup on ipad/iphone it comes up as blank white, no javascript errors or anything, just blank page. Anyone else get this working or run into this problem and found a fix? thanks!

my ad code is hosted at

mine was working. Didn't test it for a while now.

Btw. I did not store the html file on the web. It is the project folder.

It works for me... but the activity indicator shows in a total weird place (using Beta5)...

Do you have the ad HTML file hosted locally in the folder with the app? or is it on an external web server? do you think you could copy/paste the contents of your file? Thanks!

I have it local and its contents is

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<html lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <meta name="author" content="Your Name">
        <!-- 2010-06-12 viewport meta tag required to make this work with beta 5 of Corona SDK
             Thanks to Matt Pringle for bringing this to my attention -->
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=320; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;"/>
        <!-- Date: 2010-06-02 -->
<body style="margin:0; padding:0; background-color:#333">
        <script type="text/javascript">
        var admob_vars = {
         pubid: 'XXXXX', // publisher id
         bgcolor: '000000', // background color (hex)
         text: 'FFFFFF', // font-color (hex)
         ama: false, // set to true and retain comma for the AdMob Adaptive Ad Unit, a special ad type designed for PC sites accessed from the iPhone.  More info:
         test: true // test mode, set to false to receive live ads
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

thanks! something about that code works while mine didnt. could be the language="en"? who knows. Now if only corona could get iAd support going!

Hello Friends;
While doing this AdMob workaround, I noticed that half of my game screen is obscured while the html is loading. Is there another "workaround" for this? Thanks!

Fixed in official release of Corona... THANKS! :)

I'm still evaluating the Corona sdk (currently in demo mode), and testing the admob workaround I've some problems.
I used the code above (I guess from and I've found that the ads "sometimes" show up, but just sometimes.. let's say 30% of the time.. the 70% of the time, after loading, the web area shows just a gray page, with no ads.

I've also download Knight’s Puzzle Free from the Appstore, that should be using the workaroud.. and also in that case, the ads sometimes work.. but most of the time they don't show up.

Anyone has this problems? And solutions?
I really love Corona SDK (I'm a flash developer, I've tested the Flash iPhone packager but it's too damn slow.. LUA is pretty easy to learn and the performance of Corona are great), and I'm definitely considering purchasing a license... however I need to have a reliable admob on my app..

Also, I'd like to hear from the anscamobile developers.. are you still working on admob integration on Corona SDK? (I'd much prefer admob than iAd honestly)..

Thanks a lot for your answer ;)

The gray page generally means it had a problem loading the ads which could mean an internet connection issue. This problem is different from what others are reporting (and hopefully fixed).


What I see with this method is that on my Android HTC Dream (G1) the ad takes much longer to load( means a grey area for a while) and on the Ipod Touch it is almost instantly there.
Is there a way where we can check if the loading process is done of the underlying HTML code?

I solved that problem in my Corona game Conga Replay
by adding a game title banner in the html's body tag background image attribute, so there's no ugly gray area if no ad is pushed.

Was it just ? And what dimensions did you use? I've noticed the gray area and getting rid of it sounds good. Thanks.

Good solution.

Can anyone else verify that webpopups for the admob hack are no longer working in the new version of Game Edition? I can't get my ads to display - though they DO display on the Android side.

I am using Corona Trial to test the AdMob, it works in test mode, but nothing shown if it receive live ads.

In ad.html

var admob_vars = {
         test: false // test mode, set to false to receive live ads

It is working for me, though sometimes intermittently.

Native add support should be a high priority. The workaround is a bit sketchy in terms of execution and violating the TOS of AdMob. Ad's in free versions of a game or app can provide a decent stream of revenue to offset costs of the app development.

I 110% agree -

Does not work on Android either just checked it on HTC desire running 2.2, crashes the app when you press on the ad. This is bad because you are breaking admob terms and conditions by having an ad not running properly. And as I well know if you break t&c every app you have with admob goes offline for a few weeks unitil support contact you ;(

This is with build 312 of corona

Hmm, for me there's no FC - but it opens the link inside the webpopup (the listener event doesn't fire)


I want to integrate AdMob in my android game. I am able to load the ads. But the ads are not scaled according to the device dimensions. The ads are also opening in Web View. I want to open the ad in new browser window. Please help !!!

P.S. I am running Android 2.1 Device.

Thanks in advance!

I just have a legal question.
From AdSense I know it was not allowed to make a 'empty' (no content) html page where an ad is implemented. Also if you would show that in a frame (whats a bit similar to that method you show here).

Would be great to have an official answer here, as it would be bad for anyone of us should admob disable the account because if term violation.

If its cool with em, for sure it would be great.


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