Some new faces in our forums !

Hi everyone

Am happy to share with you that there will be new faces around the forums to help us monitor the entries, feature requests, bugs and a bunch of other stuff as well related to both forum, non-forum, bugs, and much more.

Both individuals that am about to introduce really need no introduction, and they are Jonathan Beebe and Peach Pellen.

Jonathan has been instrumental in helping us in our Corona UI and has graciously contributed the Ghost vs Monster and Martian Control source code and Peach has graced our forums with her enthusiasm and support for our Corona SDK. She did the 48 hour Techorty challenge a few weeks back and has the words describing her positive and upbeat morale during the challenge has been of high standards.

Please welcome both Jonathan and Peach to our growing Ansca family.


ps: I will still be around and still crack the whip but now I will leave it up to Peach to manage you kids. ;-)

WOW, congrants to both Jonathan and Peach. Keep up the good work!

for Jonathan i already knew it (the ansca logo under his nickname in the forums), but for Peach it's a welcome surprise :)
Congratulations to both of you :)

Thanks Carlos for the kind words and the congratulatory comments :)

I look forward to helping out around the forum and abusing my pow... Ah, nothing. Never mind ....

Also, I promise to try and keep flower peddlers out of everyone's way ^-^;

Peach Pellen

Congratulations to both Jonathan and Peach!
It is nice to see this; y'all target different levels, Peach beginners and Jon intermediate to advanced...Awesome!!!

Keep up the great work you've done and provided thus far.


w00t Peach and Jonathan!!

Very Great News !

The tutorials and samples of Peach and Jonathan are helping me to learn Corona.

Stay Rocking Like A Rolling Stone !

I have not yet had the pleasure of using Jonathan's expertise, but I can say that Peach was absolutely instrumental in my subscribing to Corona. I have nothing but good to say about her and her teaching skills as they apply to a middle aged noob like me.

jerry Pine

Thanks guys :)

Jerry, we're all newbies at some point - it wasn't so long ago that I couldn't figure out how to set up the most basic of apps.

Thanks for the lovely words; I'm thrilled I was "absolutely instrumental" in your subscribing to Corona; it's a terrific SDK and I genuinely believe it is the way of the future.

Congratulations to both Jonathan and Peach!


Congrats guys and girls. Well deserved. :)

views:1933 update:2011/9/19 9:18:26
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