HTML content (WebPopup) not working on iOS5!!

Apple rejected my App because it didn't work on iOS5 which at first confused me at first because I had built it before the release of iOS5 and it was fine. Today I updated my iPad to iOS5, installed the latest daily build and tested - and it doesn't work.

Anyone else have any issues? This is not good at all.

That's just been tested here and there weren't any clear issues.

If you want to file a bug report with steps to reproduce however it can be looked at in more detail.

Peach :)

I will be submitting a bug report but here's a breakdown of things...

The app has a local HTML bundle that runs in a WebPopup.

Today I have:

1. Installed the latest daily build of Corona (which would only install on OSX Lion) and the latest version of xCode to be able to test on an iOS5 device.

2. Re built the App for device and tested on iOS5 - didn't open the HTML - stuck on activity indicator

3. texted on iOS4.3 and all works fine.

Anybody with any suggestions please shout!

Anybody think it could be related to the Javascript used? The HTML uses some script libraries - iScroll and jQuery.
Doesn't make sense but I am just throwing in suggestions in the hope of sparking a discussion or a possible theory...
The HTML itself runs fine in Safari on iOS5. Am I right to think that the WebPopup uses Safari?

Other than this I am wondering if its my coding that is the problem... :(

If anyone has any suggestions, no matter how small, insignificant or unlikely they may seem please just post!

I have also tried a 'hello world' simple html file, nothing else and it just displays the spinner forever...

I have narrowed things down to the problem being with local html files. I tried '' and it works on the device (iOS5). Has something changed with the way the path is constructed?


Has anyone else had this problem?

I found this post but not sure if it sheds any light on matters:

I really hoped someone from Corona would comment on this post... I am a subscriber after all. Surely there is a basic level of support for issues such as this where a change in OS is the cause?

I'm using a static html file in my resource bundle with no problems. Although there's no fancy javascript or anything else. Just plain text with markup.
I've tested with the latest build (2011.644), and it's running fine.

The way I call it is like this:

native.showWebPopup(50, 50, 380, 220, "help.html",
                                                {baseUrl=system.ResourceDirectory, hasBackground=false});
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