Device specific resource files

Hi there,
I'm currently developing an application for a client which supports iphone, retina and ipad displays.

Currently I check the display resolution to see which set of resources to load (the retina and ipod displays are laid out slightly differently) and I want to specify different "default.png" splash screens for each res. Currently I have "Default.png" for the iphone, "Default@x2.png" for the iphone 4(retina display) and "Default-72.png" for the ipad display but in the simulator it's always loading the standard "Default.png" and scaling the image accordingly.

I've searched all over the docs / forums and I'm thinking there's something to change in my "build.settings" file but I can't find it (my current build.settings and config.lua are below) any help in allowing a single universal build to use a separate splash screen on each device type would be much appreciated.


-- build.settings
settings =
orientation =
default = "portrait",
supported = { "portrait" }

iphone =
plist =
CFBundleIconFile = "Icon.png",
CFBundleIconFiles = {
"Icon.png" ,
"Icon@2x.png" ,
"Icon-72.png" ,

UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true,
UIStatusBarHidden = true,

-- config.lua
application =
content =
scale = "zoomStretch",
fps = 60

launchPad = false,

views:1535 update:2011/10/25 9:10:48
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