What is the lucky number for today?

Here is a little mind game.

On this website, there is some information displayed, which AM uses to tell us how awesome they are and how great they perform. If you study it closely, you will find out easily that there is always the same number involved in a period of time. It was once 48, 53, and 78 I think too. Now which one is it today?

1337. Ansca is always 1337 ;)

Wrong. :-P But he number is still the same like yesterday. Hint, its about a new feature AM introduced in the last official update.

the dashboard events?

Yip, but which number is it today? It is still the same.

Are you asking about the number of events served that they talk about or the one that you get to see in *your* app terminal/dashboard?

If it is the official stats, I have no idea on those numbers, but if it your app, then I have a good idea on why the numbers are so, the numbers do not get populated from a test device, it might ask you for sending data, but it logs only the data from a device and one that has been deployed.



I maintain it has and always will be 1337.

.... That or I've been playing too much Warcraft.

Peach you are wrong. Jayant is close.


See that number of events served? It increases by a fix number of 96 atm. And this amount is the same now for days. Go figure ;-)

I'm not actually wrong, Mike.

I'm saying that Ansca is 1337 - do you know what that means? The assumption that it's just plain wrong (as opposed to a nerdy compliment of Ansca) makes me think you may not understand what 1337 means :)

You are wrong :-P . I asked for the number 96. Anyway, thanks for participating!

rhianna_lohan2011 #10 --> SPAAAAAM!

It was. Taken care of now ;) Thanks Canupa.

See that number of events served? It increases by a fix number of 96 atm. And this amount is the same now for days. Go figure ;-)

Okay, I'll figure.

The way you do a counter like that (typically) is NOT as a live look at an event database. It's to look at the average increase over a certain span of time (maybe a day) and then you divide that number by the number of seconds in a day.

Then you create a Javascript widget that increases that amount each time.

At some point you look again at the number of events, do the calculation, and then tweak the counter routine.

So the fact that it increases by XX each time is NOT weird, it's normal.

In your original post you said this:

On this website, there is some information displayed, which AM uses to tell us how awesome they are and how great they perform.

It's cool that someone who doesn't even use Corona SDK anymore still agrees Ansca is awesome! Good job!


It's cool that someone who doesn't even use Corona SDK anymore


don't assume the wrong thing. I use Corona for client and consulting work. Nothing that shown in public. For me it is just a tool, like many others.

views:1797 update:2011/9/20 9:25:42
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