***2/28/11 To The Moon is Landing Developed by a 14 Year Old***

Hey this is only the second place I'm posting info regarding my game that's coming out. I felt it was only fair because, without Corona To The Moon! would never have developed to what it has. For more information,pictures,video,etc please go to my site here http://theonlysiteyouwilleverneed.com/2011/02/22/to-the-moon/. That's all for now though be sure to check back here for promo codes closer to release.

Yay! Finally someone my age... :-) Looks pretty good, looking forward to its release!

Thanks, I was really surprised when I saw all these things coming up about you. I really started working then lol.

Hey Tyler, the game play looks pretty nice! You should do good. Also, I think you guys (you and Robert) should collaborate and cross promote each other :). Man how I wish when I was growing up, opportunities like these were available.

Good luck and send me a promo code when it's out!


Thanks Sid and if I remember I will. Just a lot of people have been asking me and I've promised a few plus I am sending them out to a lot of sites so in short if I remember I will.

Hey you know what, don't even sweat it, I'll buy the game to support you :).


Thanks, I'm anxiously waiting for it to be approved. I still have a lot of work to do with promoting and everything.

Oh can't wait to play.

Congrats !


Gratz man.

Thanks for the congratulations everyone but, you should save them until you play it. That way you can see what an understatement "congrats" is(hopefully)

That's actually me if you're confused accidently made that on my trial account.

Just released on Android early to get some feedback for the official grand launch next monday(pushed back the launch a week). https://market.android.com/details?id=com.powerapps.tothemoon.unicorninteractive&feature=search_result Feedback is highly appreciated.

views:1823 update:2011/9/24 8:48:32
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