Not sure if this was covered before. I searched but could not find the answer. I use Corona on my home Mac but I'm about to go on a trip. Am I allowed to install Corona on another Mac and use it while I'm away from Home? Thanks for the clarification on our license. Hi ksan, The current license allows for use on two machines by the same developer. In fact, you could use it on more machines if you like (trial mode), with the only limitation being development profile builds only (no distribution builds). @Ansca - an excelent change to the licensing model! Thanks much!!! Most appreciated for that clarification. how about one windows and one mac, same developer? @coynage yeap works ! thanks Carlos! so just to be clear ... if I buy t...
views:2553 update:2011/9/17 17:35:39
local myText = display.newText("(Waiting for response)", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 16) myText.x = display.contentCenterX myText.y = 120 local function networkListener( event ) if ( event.isError ) then myText.text = "Network error!" else myText.text = "See Corona Terminal for response" print ( "RESPONSE: " .. event.response ) end end local params = {} params.headers = {} params.headers.Range = "bytes=0-10" -- Access Google over SSL: network.request( " ", "GET",networkListener, params )...
views:2419 update:2011/9/17 17:35:37
Hi, Is there a way to add physics to sprite. Or is there any way around that... i am making a game in which i have to animate a character and on the same time i want to add physics to that is there any way i can do that im trying to do the same thing ... hope fully someone can just give us a hint at least cmon guys 6 days and no solution.... First of all, I think, you posted in wrong forum! But then again, forums are bit of mess right now.. You just add sprite to physics.addBody function like any other display object. i knew it, i tried that a few days ago but it didn't work maybe the script was mest up cause i was putting stuff together from the code exchange didn't work out to well im guna start from scratch and see what i get ... by the way can't ...
views:2402 update:2011/9/17 17:35:36
I have a few questions that I would be grateful if anyone can answer please. 1) When I come to submitting my app, I don't submit it through Coronas website do I? I know a few other SDK's such as dragonfire only support this. I want to submit it myself. 2) Buying a student license what proof would be needed? 3) What IDE's do you lot use? 4) Honest opinion here please - are there many things that I can't do in Corona which I would be able to do in cocos2d for example maybe a particle system?. Do you recommend this SDK - as I would like to create a high quality game without the need of learning Obj-C. 5) The game I have in mind is a line drawing game, so I'm going to want to be able to rotate objects around a line drawn by the user - is this possible? Thanks for your time, Lewis. @Lewis, 1. You require an Apple developer subscription to upload/submit your apps...
views:2395 update:2011/9/17 17:35:34
This sounds like a tough one, but I'm sure others have faced this dilemma. I'd like to develop a solution that is identical for iPhone, Android and web sites. A user accessing my solution from their smart phone or from their PC / Mac using Firefox, Safari, Chrome etc. would have precisely the same user experience. I think the standard way to do that today would be to develop a web app (HTML 5, Javascript) with the device constraints / form factor in mind, then test across all device and browser versions. It would be really lovely if it could be done a different way -- develop in Corona, and deploy on the web in a suitable framework or container that makes the very same Corona solution available in the browser. Note this would NOT mean an iPhone or Android simulator in the browser, but rather the same screens, flows etc. in the browser. Has anyone solved this problem? There is currently no ...
views:2323 update:2011/9/17 17:35:33
Device crash reports are pretty much useless unless the call stack can be symbolized. Without this it is not practical to debug complex apps or to provide proper support to those that purchase those apps. I second that! No way to handle crashes... A deal breaker for App developing... whats a call stack? c. For that matter, what are the device crash reports you're talking about? That sounds like a useful thing I don't know about; are these logs that users send when the app crashes on them? I've just finished my first iPhone game using Corona. It runs great on the simulator Unfortunately it crashes on the device after 5-20 minuets of playing... 1. For every crash there is a crash log created on the device, it looks something like the t...
views:2910 update:2011/9/17 17:35:32
I know its early days... but just wondering where NFC support is (if at all) on the Corona SDK roadmap? Is it on the radar? What is NFC? National Football Conference... NOT It means Near Field Communication - And the answer is no. We are not supporting NFC in the short/near future. c Thanks Carlos. Yes I know its early days and iOS does not support it (yet!)... but you do support that other OS, right? :-) views:2328 update:2011/9/17 17:35:30
Maybe it's Friday and my head is not screwed on tight this morning, but I've been sifting through the forums as I haven't done in a while, and I noticed a lot of requests and upcoming features that is possibly due to come out in "Version 1.2." Yet, the builds we get are at "" and I don't see any reference to other version numbers. Am I missing something here? Is each stable release still version 1, i.e. build 484 is 1.1? Maybe it's because I'm always playing with bleeding edge builds that I don't see the version number but the build number instead? Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi....
views:2340 update:2011/9/17 17:35:29
Hello All, I would like to know if corona supports pause state and call interruptions. I have two applications that got rejected on the Amazon Android market due to the App quitting on phone calls. I have searched on these forums and read all the api listings but I cant seem to find it. It is also very possible that I have missed something among the mass of links. Regards, Zeke I also would like to know this. The app also quits when the screen is unlocked. Is this not supported on android?...
views:3070 update:2011/9/17 17:35:28
Experienced Corona Users, I've spent several exciting days evaluating Corona and am close to adopting it for some teaching-related apps. I've downloaded the dev environment, tested lots of partial features, and read around quite a bit in the community forums. I still have lots of learning to do, but would like to ask experienced users about my assessment so far. I'm listing the features that seem ready to use and some I'm not exactly certain about. As a newbie to Corona, I'm not sure if I missed something or if in some areas Corona won't (yet) do what I want. I'm inviting experienced users to help me out... At this point I need to know IF this can be done in Corona - learing how is my problem. Elements that seem functional and well developed: 1) Physics Engine (really cool) 2) Graphics Manipulation (also really easy!) 3) Director or Tab Bar frameworks (with modest programming, except, perhaps for dealing with text i...
views:2430 update:2011/9/17 17:35:27
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