I often get to see about many files like ui.lua, director.lua, particle.lua. I would like to know about all the available packages and modules for a trial user and a subscriber....
views:3107 update:2011/9/17 17:34:53
Trying to create a landscape comic, I am still seeing the original landscape image "compressed/rotate" in the center of the screen (instead of the full view). I changed the build.lua file to landscape but it seems the portrait dimensions are hard coded in the Reader.lua. Is there any workaround for that? Thanks! Alex That's odd. This is the orientation code in my build file and it is working on Landscape mode all the time: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 settings = {         orientation =         {                 default =
views:3416 update:2011/9/17 17:34:52
I noticed in the roadmap that you were considering advertising support. Have you any ideas of an approx timeframe, ie less than six months, three months etc. I have tried the webpop hack but the fill rates are around 40%. ps I love Corona Many thanks! I'm very interested in this as well and I still feel it's more important that IAPs, which only really work for stuff like "We Rule" which none of us are making. Yet you can fit adds in the free version of pretty much any game. It is on our roadmap as "Integrated advertising" ;-) Carlos yeah this feature is hugely important, so I hope it's near the top of your roadmap. The web view workaround is pretty clever, but Corona needs to have real integration. Hey be warned I have used the corona web thing for one week and my ac...
views:6186 update:2011/9/17 17:34:51
Hell This is my first post here!!! Is it posible to embed a video in my app, I need it to be inside the app and not stream from a web server. Best Regards Mikael Sweden 1 2 3 4 local onComplete = function(event)    print( "video session ended" ) end media.playVideo( "Movie.m4v", true, onComplete )
views:3513 update:2011/9/17 17:34:47
does this just mean you have to root your nook, then add your app? Or is there going to be an entire new version of corona that coming out that we can build directly to it? I have a nook, just wondering what my options are at the moment... thanks, amanda You need to get a Barnes and Noble developer account and wait for us to ship the Corona SDK for Nook in a month or two from now. You can't build for Nook right now and the apps will be rejected form B&N. If you want to know how we got some apps from our developers in the Nook, it is very selective and the Corona apps you see on NOOK have been on other stores and crossed the 100,000 download mark on the other app stores. C. ok, that clears up a lot. but in terms of just development and testing, i can use the current version of corona, build for an android device, and pu...
views:3391 update:2011/9/17 17:34:46
Hi, I was wondering if there was or if there is any plan to include push notification capabilities with Corona. Alternatively, is there any way to send the user a message at a certain time without the app being open (or even if the app is just running in the background). Thanks. Currently - I have written a module to use HTTP and check a file on my web server to grab any notifications... works good. Just an idea for you. Yeah, but if the app is closed or only running in the background, that won't work correct? The app needs to be up and running to make an HTTP request right? Thanks for that suggestion though, I basically want to have a reminder notification like you would have in a to do application or an alarm application. Any suggestions? I have not had time to test this myself --- but does the Timer() continue ...
views:5396 update:2011/9/17 17:34:45
Not sure where to post this. But Carlos posted a note in early June to avoid installing the iOS 5 SDK and xCode 4.3. Its now almost October. iOS 5 reported to be nearing Gold Master and its announcement is on the horizon. I've seen several people state that they are running the beta on their phones and I'm getting ready to move from iOS 4 to 5 beta 7 within the next few minutes. Where do we stand on the SDK/Xcode side of the house? I want to still build my Corona SDK apps, but I don't want to get caught flat footed either...
views:3455 update:2011/9/17 17:34:42
It's possible to develop game that reproduce sand/dust with fluid dynamics physics? Like this: http://appbank.us/iphone/ipad-iphone-sand-play-with-sand-the-movements-are-so-real-you-can-even-make-a-sand-clock Hi, of course.. easy with corona.. i would say.. the sand are small balls.. if you want dust.. use particle candy .. BR There are examples of code for this? I don't know Corona and If I buy Corona for iPhone it's included a support service? here's an example to do something like this. but honestly, the performance on an actual ...
views:3956 update:2011/9/17 17:34:41
You can find the latest version here: http://www.anscamobile.com/resources/roadmap/ updated link location.... C...
views:3553 update:2011/9/17 17:34:39
In case you missed our newsletter, Cough Cough Cough, I had a few things to say about what is coming up for for the first half of 2011. Feel free to read my blog entry at Whats ahead. As always, feedback and comments always welcomed. Have a safe and happy holiday season. Carlos co-founder Gratuitous signatures: twitter.com/carlosicaza facebook.com/ansca www.anscamobile.com Hey Carlos, any time frame on when we will be getting the 2 big announcements you mentioned? The anticipation is killing me! REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to IAP and universal binaries! Thanks! -Kyle i'm sure it was "T-6" about 6 days ago... later today maybe? &...
views:3185 update:2011/9/17 17:34:38
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