Is there the possibility of each particle, a touch listener (no TapListener) assign. I want each particle that is moving within the screens. Thank you for your help....
views:4512 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
*Note: I posted this under the main corona forums with no luck. Hopefully since I'm doing this in Lime, someone here can help. The solution I'm looking for is to be able to look ahead one tile before I start my Maybe someone with grid based top down experience could help. Repost: I've tried to figure this one out myself and no luck, so I'll give it a shot here. In it's most simple form I have a tile based game where the character's movement is tied to the grid(example: he can only move 16 pixels in one direction and can't move again till he has moved that distance). I have walls. All objects are 16x16. Since the walls are 16x16 and so is the character, if they are adjacent they will share a border which will cause collision. To remedy the situation, I tried changing the walls to isSensor in order to allow that shared border. I didn't want to resize artwork because that collision is necessary. If that c...
views:4752 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
I'm using director 1.2 and have found the following. If I switch scenes and leave a slight delay between clicking the button to switch scenes all is good. If I switch between scenes quickly then I get a memory leak. 1) Am I doing something wrong? 2) Is there a way to wait until director has finished switching before allowing it to switch back. (I guess I can disable the button for a bit but wondered if there is a better way.) Any way you can upgrade to Director 1.4? It's much improved since 1.2 --Croisened I will try this. Do you know if I have to make any code changes when I upgrade the director module or should my app work as is? I started using Director on version 1.3, I imagine there will be some subtle differences you may have to address, particularly on cleanup events and such. You wil...
views:4634 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
Hello! I am a complete beginner to Corona (you can see from other similar questions I am asking). I am using the Director Class and following some tutorials, but none of these tutorials explains to me how memory is handled by the Director Class. When I replace a scene with another one, should I also free memory "manually", or are all the items in the local group freed automatically for me? I am trying to read through the code, but I am a complete newbie and it is a bit complex for me. Thanks! if the items are all in a then they are freed up for you. If there are system wide listeners, they need to be killed off by you. Just to follow up with this. My understanding (and what I do) is that there are four things you need to dispose of and nil manually (so long as all objects are in your local group and all varibles and funct...
views:4836 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
is there a way to delay executing changeScene function? I have a scenario where I have to play an audio before moving to the next scene but the next scene also has an audio too. Right now, when I execute the changeScene function I get audio overlap. So, how do I complete the audio from scene1 before transitioning to scene2 example of what I have right now: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 local imageTouched = function ( event )                 if event.phase == "began" then              ...
views:4550 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
I have a menu screen and a game screen using director to flick between the two. I have commented most of my code to a bare bones (which just loads a few buttons ) to try and understand what is happenning with the memory. The first few times I go to the game screen and then return to the menu I see a slight increase in memory usage each time I get back to the menu screen. After the 3rd or 4th time I go back to the menu the memory usage stays at the increased level but doesn't get any higher. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas as to why this may be happening as it's really bugging me. Hi garethward, I was wondering if you ever found the problem. I have the same issue. I am not using director though. When I hit my restart button everything is cleared and the game restarts but with a tiny increase in memory-mine only does this once and never increases again no matter how many...
views:4434 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
Hello i have 2 questions, First: when using director and changing scenes all works, expect from my restarting scene in which the game when winner == true goes to this scene and you have the option to go to menu, retry or go to next level. So if i change the code to start at the restarter scene then the buttons all work and so does the game. But if i start in the game and end up in the restarter scene as soon as i press the menu button it will go to that scene then instantly go back to the restarter scene. Any help? Second: ( this may help with above question) Is there a way to get a variable to change from a different scene. I mean when i go to the restarter scene , could somehow change the winner variable to false as soon as it starts the restarter scene and how could i adjust my game scene so that it takes in account the change in the winner variable. Any suggestions? Need to see some of my code? Thanks...
views:4426 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
I am using the example book code which starts with an intro scene however I want to change to an outro scene once the user gets to the last page of the book. What is the best way to do that? Is there some documentation on the methods available in the director class somewhere without having to dig through the code? Have you tried taking a look at the Storyboard API? There is an eBook template if you choose New Project > eBook upon launching Corona. An 'outro scene' could just be another scene that automatically goes back to the beginning once some kind of sequence is finished. I hadn't but it looks to be similar to the director class that I am using. Would prefer to stick with that and this was posted to the Director Class forum so was more looking for answers relating to that...
views:4558 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
I recently bought Particle Candy and Text Candy (Great Products) Im having a weird problem and wanting to know if anyone knows about this? The problem is I copied and paste the "screen2.lua" file from Sample Director Class / Text Candy. On "screen2.lua" the code works perfect but if I create a new " .lua " file and copy and paste the codes from "screen2.lua" to the new " .lua " file Simulator crashes. Be honest with you basically any new " .lua " file I create and paste the code from " screen2.lua " it wont work but if I change the name of " screen2.lua " to anything I want, it works its almost if thats a magical file LOL Update: I just tried something new and this is pretty funny, I created a file called " test.lua " and pasted the code from the file that works Perfectly Fine. And as usual it crashed so I deleted " test.lua " and copy and pasted " sample2.lua " from Sample Director Class / Text Candy an...
views:4637 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
such as multiple factories vs 1 factory with multiple sheets? ie. group.ui = layout_ui.createLayout(ui_sf, fps) nevermind... 1 local function createLayout(_spriteFactory)...
views:4610 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
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