How do I change my forum password?


Sorry for this stupid question, but I wanted to change my login password but could not find any button or link that allows me to do so...

Thanks in advance for any help!

Andreas Rozek

No worries! So at the top right corner, you should see a line of text that says "Login / Account Info". If you click on that, you'll see your account information. At the top of that screen, you should have a text button that says 'edit'. You should be able to change your information from that screen.

Le me know if that gives you any trouble.

Wow, that was fast!

Thanks for your help - but, unfortunately, I do not see "Login / Account Info" anywhere, just my name and "Log out". I also already logged out to see if anything changes, but I just saw like "Login or Register".

Thus, I'm a bit lost now...


By the way, I found a "hack" which solves my problem!

After having logged on I just entered the following URL into my browser

and - voilà - I saw my profile and was able to edit it!

It's just a hack, though...

Kind regards,


That's strange as it shows up for me. Well, as a work around till I can figure out why you're not seeing that, just append "/user" to the url and it will bring up your account information.


I might have found where the problem is: for whatever reason, some links seem to be obscured by your navigation bar, especially the "ansca" part, that directs to your home page (

(Edit: by looking into the source code of the HTML page, I found that the part labelled "Login / Account Info" (you may search for that text in the HTML source) got obscured - I did, however, not immediately find out why (that is left to you as an exercise ;-) ))

Kind regards,

Andreas Rozek


Can you send me a screenshot of what it looks like in your browser?




look at

Note the small "nose" underneath the ansca logo! There is the stuff which cannot be seen...

Kind regards,

Andreas Rozek

views:1536 update:2011/9/21 18:18:19
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