┤【MINI THOR - Available Now】├

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The Mighty Thor are doing serious "big business" in the toilet, while the Kinpei Monsters had stolen his "Mjöllnir". The Mighty Thor had granted you with the power of "Mini Thor Power Ball" in helping him to catch Kinpei Monsters and return back his "Mjöllnir".

You are now the Mini Thor. Go and hunt in the name of the Thunder God.

There's a dedicated website and facebook page for this game.

Be sure to check it out at here
MINI THOR OFFICIAL WEBSITE http://minithor.gamecreme.com

Facebook fan page, a simple "LIKE" would meant a lot to us. LIKE us = motivate us. Thanks for your LIKE.

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Be sure to leave your comment, promo codes will offer to the one that leave comments. Random draw of user may apply if commenters are many. Thanks for your understanding.


A SET OF 10 PROMO CODE GIVEAWAY to the corona community.
in return with good review, and special thanks to the community support over the pass months of development.
Please leave your comment and email.
If possible also leave me your review at itunes, and which country so I can check it out.

Review at itunes:

A five star review would do us a great deal
Thanks in advance.

name: zach
iTunes review name: syntheticvoid
e-mail: apparent_symmetry@live.com
country: US

I'd be VERY happy to leave a review!!! =oD

Name: Andreas
Review at itunes: AndreasRicci
Email: ricciandreas@gmail.com
Country: Canada

Would love to test it out and give a review :)


Both promo code are in your inbox.
Thanks for the support

8 more to go

thank you for the code, I'm writing a review in iTunes now... but I noticed something while playing a couple of levels...

At the "Level Completed" page... it sounds like there's two different sound files playing at the same time. It only happens sometimes... but when it does, it's really noticeable.

Other than that... you've got a great game!!! =oD

Thanks for the review, and I believe that's a bug.
Also I notice there's few bug, fixing it now.

The sound problem is bugging me for ages, but just don't know where in the world that trigger that.
Spend several hours hunting it down, still no luck.


Anyone? Still 8 more to go.
Seems not a lot of interest.


Here's Youtube Video Link


Without a lite version for Android OS, my *Box Prince* game have only 4 paid download in 6 months. You should create a ads support or lite free version for your game.

Hi khanh.dq

lite version is on the way.
will launch the lite version on wednesday.
Thanks for your great idea

Name: Dacri
Review at itunes: dacriburdan
Email: dacriburdan[at]gmail.com
Country: United States

Looks awesome! 5 star review locked and loaded :) !!!

Hey guys,
Be sure to give my facebook page a like

4 more promo code to pass around.
please leave your reply here, also give the facebook page a like

Promo code are available for those who like our facebook page*
*While supply last, even if we finish the promo code giveaway, each version of MiniThor will be giving away another sets of 30-40 too, so don't hesitate to LIKE.

PROMO Code send.
Thanks for playing.

views:1613 update:2011/9/23 8:53:55
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