Reflexic now available in the iTunes store

Ever wonder just how fast (or slow) your reflexes are? Reflexic is a tool for that very thing.

Reflexic measures reaction time in three ways. The first way is as close as it can get to ‘raw’ reaction time. That’s the bare response time from the appearance of a stimuli to the reaction. There’s only one thing to do, and one trigger.

The second means of measuring reflexes requires you to differentiate between four possible stimuli and respond to one of them.

The third means most closely mimics real-world events; it requires you to differentiate between four possible stimuli, and decide whether or not to respond, based on color.

Reflexic is not a game, but can be quite fun. Reflexic is available here.

Some screenshots:

views:1536 update:2011/9/23 13:36:35
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