Screen capture for ipad failed?


I tried to do a screen capture for iPad application in the simulator and I got a 1024x768 size image but 3/4 of it is white, the 1/4 is the actual screen I'm trying to capture. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong.

The code is display.currentStage, "something.jpg", baseDir)

The config.lua is

application =
        content =
                width = 768,
                height = 1024,

I too am having issues with something very similar to this, one thing you might try (from reading on another post) is removing the width/height from the config.lua file. These I guess are only needed if you are developing a cross-device app, and not needed if you are specifically coding for the iPad.

I cant get it to work in landscape, it chops off the picture as if its only taking in portrait

I have the same problem as maxbarrow... its in landscape, but it chops off the picture as if its taking it in portrait.
I tested it on ipad and ipod devices... and the problem only seems to be on ipad.
Is it a bug?

oh ok... it's already in the bug list:

Note: Doing a screen capture in landscape mode incorrectly captures the screen as a portrait. [case #928]

would be nice to have this fixed

views:1492 update:2011/9/25 12:40:18
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