iPad Children's Book (Sound/Music problem)

I am working on a children's interactive book for iPad, using Kwik, Photoshop CS5 and on a Win7 PC.. The company I am working with has the subscription and a developer kit from Apple to publish the books. This is the first time we're doing this so we ran a test. We published the book to see if it is working properly. It didn't. The animations were ok but the sounds are almost played randomly. Background music didn't loop, sometimes it crashed, sound effects didn't play and so.. Even some of the animations gone blank..

The book works perfectly on PC/MAC with Corona simulator. But why does it became unstable on iPad?

Opinions are highly appreciated..
Thank you..

it is said time and time again, even by Apple that the performance in the simulator should not be taken as the final performance as that runs on a i5 or an i7 quad core, etc. Where as the final product runs on an Arm A8 or so with limited resources.



Make sure you are using the new OpenAL based audio API (audio.) and not the old one (media.). Make sure your iPad has the latest version of iOS. (Apple does fix bugs in later versions including some audio crashers.) After that, it shouldn't crash unless you are calling audio.dispose() while things are playing or you continue to use the handles after disposing of them. Sound effects should always play unless you exceed 32 simultaneous sounds. (Actually I know of a caveat where it might be 31, but I'll assume you aren't hitting that case.)

Please review the Audio Notes page for more performance tips.

Generally speaking though, on an iPad, the performance should be pretty good out of the box unless you are doing really heavy duty stuff. If problems persist, you may be doing something wrong in your code which are manifesting itself as audio problems when they actually may be something else.

What is the alternative to using audio.dispose() if this is crashing when called during active audio playback? Any suggestions?

I am using the same framework (Corona/Kwik) and experiencing similar issues. I have found that changing the load.audioStream that Kwik favors with load.audioSound seems to yield better results (i.e. less crashing), but I'm still having some issues and the Kwik tool does an audio.dispose on all audio handlers when the user changes scenes (pages).

What is the recommendation if there is a known bug in audio.dispose? Any timeframe for fixing this issue?

There are no known bugs with audio.dispose().


It is curious to see that other people are having similar issues:

any info on these topics?

views:1698 update:2011/9/26 8:07:09
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