bluetooth peer to peer connectivity

Given the nature of the Corona SDK, and how it is well-suited for games app dev, it would be fantastic if peer-to-peer connectivity (via bluetooth or wifi) could be added so we can create collaborative apps.

Any plans for bluetooth support ? or even peer-to-peer specific to Corona would help build a more engaging platform.

BTW, kudos to your work. Coming from Flex and from the Ruby, your env based on lua gives such pleasure in dev.



Hi, Romain, and thanks!

Peer-to-peer is definitely something we've thought about, since we're planning to increase the game-developer features of Corona. But we haven't yet decided when and what features we're going to commit to on our next public roadmap (now that we've finished the previous public roadmap :)

I was wondering if there has been any change on this since Feb '10?

If not, is there a work-around? Ad-hoc wifi from device to device somehow?



Nudge, and any news on bluetooth API yet, guys?

Double-nudge... Any chance BT or WiFi peer to peer might make it into the road-map re-prioritization? Families and friendship circles with multiple IOS devices run at all time high. High time to capitalize on multi-user games. Any workarounds one can think of? Thanks for all the hard work.

Here here.

There is a simple way to run a client server in lua using the socket api provided within Corona but scanning the local network to find other iOS devices would be quite tricky, I think. Any ideas anyone?


I had thought about exploring the idea of running a simple web based site to support my multi-user game but wrote it off due to the latency impact on the game responsiveness. Thinking about your idea gives me another spin of my original thought.

It could be possible to have a simple web page where an IOS device running the game logs in and others log in there too and make the connection with each other. Once they know of each other (IP address) the communication with the web server stops and client server over lua socket api takes over.

Sound reasonable?

Yes - the log would be local network IP based, so the devices can find others on their same wifi router, for example? My aim is to have local connection (as seen in games like Flight Control) so that it is extremely easy to connect to friends without messing about.


Hi everyone. Was wondering if anyone had any progress on this subject. Very interesting.

Any news on this?

If not, is it possible to write an external API in object C that provides this and load it into Corona as an API?

+1 for WiFi connectivity. i'd like to be able to run one device in the house as host and the other devices as connected clients (and not via a pc). Cross-platform would be even better! (Android<-->iOS)

is this not currently available using sockets?

(bluetooth would be too weak for my purposes)


Any updates on this are much appreciated …


Though it's not bluetooth (which I believe is going to pass out of the tech spec at some point in the not too distant future) there is this in the code exchange:

I've not tried it, but it might be a good solution for when there is a network connection.


Another nudge for bluetooth and Wi-Fi peer-to-peer. We're in dev on Word Games that will be both single and multi-player. And though pubnub suits for longer distances, it's a poor road to go when players are close (and, ideally, discoverable).

+1 for peer-2-peer connectivity . We REALLY need this , there are so many uses for it ! Please , can we get this done ?

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