Audio and Device Volume Settings

Are we responsible for matching our apps volume to the volume of the device? I have an apps that plays sounds using both methods on the iPad 2. I can adjust the volume of the device, including all the way to mute, and my audio STILL plays at a constant volume. Even when the device is muted. Is there something I need to do or is this an issue with Corona? My build thus far is the one released at the beginning of Aug.


Don't use the old audio API.
Everything else on iOS is automatically normalized to the device's current volume and will respect the mute switch (assuming you didn't muck with the advanced Audio Session properties).

Sorry for the newbie question but which is the old vs. the new?

Old starts with media.
New starts with audio.
media.playEventSound is especially problematic on iOS for lots of reasons.

views:1539 update:2011/9/26 15:43:22
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