Possible to save data tables instead of strings and property lists?

As far as I can tell, you can only save out strings of text to files, or, by using CrawlSpaceLib you can save properties like this:

local data = {};
data.lives = 5;
data.health = 75;

in c++ you would do something like overwriting the stream >> operator.

but in lua you can't. so you can do two things

one what you describe by saving the contents of the table in string format, or saving an integer 1 for true 0 for false.


as what Carlos said, for Lua, you can try two things, you can use the PropertyBag and save

Level1 =
Level2 =

and so on... or

LevelData = "01110010101"
where each each character corresponds to a level number. Which you can then access easily from Lua.

Plus for levels, *generally* you cannot skip levels and you have to unlock a previous level before you can unlock the next one. So you can just save LevelUnlocked = and keep updating it when you go to the next one.



views:1324 update:2011/9/28 9:01:40
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