Feature Request - Location Library

I see this in the documentation as "Forthcoming". I am guessing this will access the GPS part of the iPhone. Any idea when this library will be ready??



We are looking to have the functionality available in September.


When Core Location capability is added, could you also please add to the system namespace something like:


mapping to Objective-C's

[UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES|NO;

I've noticed working on my current XCode project at present that when the phone goes to sleep/suspend that Core Location stops sending messages. So for any GPS tracking type app (or any clock type apps for that matter), it would be very useful to programatically disable the phone's autolock in Corona.


- Ian

Thank you for system.setIdleTimer() in the latest build!

- Ian

views:1857 update:2011/9/18 14:43:09
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