question regarding touch events?

Hey, all! I am an extreme beginner and just started using corona...So far I have learned how to put a background and image up and im thinking the next step is interacting with my little fish thats on the screen but i just can't figure out how to do it. I've read the docs and searched the forums but i belive its just my ignorance to all of this getting in the i would really appreciate some help! I can give you my code so far and if its not too much trouble would you be able to show me what the code looks like so i can drag this fish around the screen? Thank you for the help!

background = display.newImage ( "fishtank.png" )

myImage = display.newImage( "fish.png", 20, 100 )

this is all i have lol


regarding your problem have a look at the "drag platform" example for instance in the included examples. there's a dragUI helper class

wrong forum category by the way. you should post in the "new users" section

this forum category is to do with the actual lua language itself, the question you are asking is related to the corona sdk, not specifically the Lua language in general


Ok, awesome i knew there had to be an example somewhere. Thank you.

views:1545 update:2011/10/6 9:28:12
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