FREE Marketing for your APP ? The Curables new game will include Corona based games to promote

The Curables - looking for 5 interested APPS to include a marketing graphic (210 x 265) PNG

If you're interested - post a reply or email me at

I am going to pick 5 Corona APPS that I will include in our new APP that is launching this week --- it will have a cross-promotion link back to the iTunes store, Android market or your website (whatever you want)

Just let me know and I look forward to seeing if our ADs area within our game is going to help us a little bit ---

Here is a private youtube video of game:

And here is the Android market link:

Waiting for Apple to approve :)

Once the paid version is out --- we'll put out our FREE version that will include the FREE corona ADs in the next couple of weeks.


Are you making charitable donations using In-App purchases? I am not sure Apple would allow that, I could be wrong but AFAIK Apple does not allow that.



jayantv - thanks for the reply ---

yes, we changed that and took out In-App purchases ... that is why i need to update the YouTube video

we just changed it to make the statement that we are giving back from whatever proceeds we raise from the sale of the App

this way we have no legal concerns via Apple

so, it is just a fun game and we are deciding to give back... we are excited about the possibilities

always love feedback and suggestions, so please do not hesitate to stay in touch

thanks again

Hey I watched your video and was wondering how you make that game over text with that pulsing effect? Do you just keep transitioning the xScale and yScale repeatedly?

Yes, I just used this:

Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", function()
                local scale = 1.0 + Sin( Time() / 200) * .05
                butEnd.xScale   = scale
                butEnd.yScale   = scale
views:1617 update:2011/10/7 11:17:15
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