looking to buy an android device

Not sure which android device to buy for our own testing? our apps are mostly created for a bigger screen for younger kids. should we go for samsung galaxy tab 10.1 (2.2). anyone with experience in successfully building an app for android with the latest version of the corona sdk?


Not a promotion, but we are also looking for android device, and looks like we will go for Samsung Galaxy S Wifi 4". http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxyswifi/

It's like iPod Touch for Android :)

i just want to buy a device on which i can install and test corona sdk apps. I tried my apk with 484 on 2 devices with android 2.2 and could not get them to work.

1) it did not provide any install option (through astro)

2) the package downloaded and error "could not parse the apk" error.

Not sure how do i test this. I will possibly compile using the latest version of the sdk and then re-try

Look at this forum thread, it's really helpful deciding which device to buy http://developer.anscamobile.com/forum/2011/06/08/android-devices-armv7-processor

Monkey Blast from Yobonja got millions downloads even if the apk is targeted for 2.2 froyo and up with ARMv7 proc. CMIIW

I would recommend the Droid Charge. It's a great phone and it's fast.

Jordan Schuetz
Ninja Pig Studios

views:1896 update:2011/10/8 8:54:25
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