Can't deploy to devices from Corona.544

As title. And there are no error message to show. I use HTC Flyer (Android 2.3.3). Using Corona.539 to deploy OK!

Are you using .544 or .539? You list both.

Try building using .528 and let me know if that still wont work.

Peach :)

To work around this I just copied and pasted all of my project files to a temporary folder and built from those.

Also for some reason 544-built .apks want access to call network state (in addition to full Internet access, which I don't understand either, because I specify no requirements in build.settings) and won't install, so I had to revert to using 484.

Fix my problem. The same source code in Corona.544 can deploy to devices. But don't open the app. I remember Corona.528 seems unstable so I use Corona.525 and 539. I must use over version Corona.524 because it support sChinese file name.

views:1505 update:2011/10/8 8:54:25
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