Corona Editor

I ran a couple of searches to see if this request had already been made and I didn't see anything. Sorry if this is a repeat.

Although there are editors available for writing corona apps (I use Xcode); none of them seem to be a great fit for corona/lua. Any chance you might come up with an editor specific to Corona? It would sure be clean and handy

I use BBEdit, personally, but there are several other editors around that understand the Lua syntax.

it appears some editors allow you to specify your own API settings for any language you want for autocompletion.. is this something we might see for Corona?

eg Notepad Plus

Added as case # 195.

currently I use flashdevelop for my flash projects. The great thing about this is it picks up the methods and properties from your own classes.. (as well as automatic creation of getters/setters, import statements etc)

i believe XCode does this for Obj-C etc but I've not seen other Lua editor that can do this yet.


I use BBEdit with Inconsolata font (free, and the best programmers font I've ever seen). But this is why I use BBEdit:

  • Perfect syntax highlighting and indentation (but pretty much ever editor does this)
  • Does a great job with auto-complete, and very unobtrusive.
  • The drop-down menu that lists ALL of my functions in the current document (no matter how I define them)--THIS ONE'S HUGE.
  • The file drawer that comes out on the right. Very handy, especially when mixing and matching from different projects (I can have multiple windows open, all with their own files in the drawer).
  • When I close the program, it looks exactly the way I left it when I come back.
  • Plus my last name's Beebe (pronounced "Bee-Bee") so it just makes sense (LOL).

And on top of that it loads really quickly... which I can't say the same for some of the other apps I use (*cough* Photoshop *cough*)--can't wait to get my MacBook's ram upgraded.

I'm a BBEdit user too! Check out the following post for a way to quickly add autocomplete for Corona:

I'm also working on some other enhancements.

@Eric: Thanks for that! I'll definitely use it, can't wait to see what your other enhancements entail.

I really was happy to find this, although I don't have 100 dollars for bbEdit having just purchased my developer kit from Apple. I did however download TextWrangler which seems good enough. However I tried following the tutorial for extracting the corona functions into a file but the terminal command just isn't outputting anything. Is there additional things to type to pipe it out to a file?

Hi Shaunathan,

in February I will release IndeED. An editor/IDE specially made to support Corona SDK. Maybe it will be something for you.

Michael Hartlef

Shame Amsca didn't think to supply an IDE - come on Ansca!!!

As great as Corona is, it's still relatively new. It seems the folks at Ansca have a different, seemingly better philosophy than other product-makers in this game.

Build the runtime, get it working as smooth, and as fast as possible. Get it to be the BEST out there... and then, and ONLY then start thinking about adding a GUI, dialogs, etc. to the codebase.

When you work backwards I can only assume that's when you come up with a buggy, leaky, slow, and unstable bloatware that is flash, gamesalad, and I'm sure countless others.

I'm just glad to be able to use the SDK in the meantime :-)

Fair point...but would still like to see these extra features on the roadmap at least


views:2315 update:2011/9/18 20:20:08
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