Audio Amplitude

Is there a way to get the amplitude of a sound file while it's playing?


You can get the current set gain/volume of a channel, but if you are asking about reading raw PCM data as it is played back, that is not available.

That answers my question. Thanks for the quick response.

Will more advanced audio functions ever be added to Corona. There are many great things about Corona but I feel like the ability to record, manipulate and programmatically interact with playing audio files is SERIOUSLY lacking. I don't even see improved audio features even mentioned on the roadmap. I'm just curious where audio stands in the grand scheme of things. Is something better on way or should I look elsewhere? Thanks.

Sorry, I don't think the features you describe are on our immediate roadmap. Interacting with the byte streams is tricky for various reasons. There are performance challenges in copying the data between the sound system and Lua. There are also multithreading/concurrency issues that make things trickier. These are things I would eventually like to investigate and expose to Corona, but the more immediate problem is that audio really sucks in general on Android and it's barely keeping up with what we're doing with it right now. So Android is sucking up most of our audio bandwidth right now.

views:1434 update:2011/10/11 8:57:46
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