Google Maps style page folder button

I'm not entirely sure if this is the right category for this question, but here goes: Is it possible, using the Corona API, to implement a button which looks like the Google Maps Options button? I think this would be almost impossible to program, given the image manipulation available, but if there is a basic image distortion operation this would be very handy and effective. I guess I'm essentially asking if it's possible to make just part of the screen distort whatever is painted over it.


Which button would that be?

Can you take a snapshot of the button and let us know?


The folded paper part at the bottom right of that image.



Ah that.

Yo could cheat that. Let me see what I can concoct.


I am intrigued... Would you be able to cheat the translucent paper effect seen once the button has been pressed?


views:1909 update:2011/9/19 9:18:26
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