Deauthorize computer issue

Dear Corona's supporter,

Can you help me to deauthorize my old Corona config. in your database? I am trying to install the version 591 and get the following message:

"You are already using this software on another computer... "

But it's the same computer... only reinstalled the OS and Corona...

My login is

Thank you!


Hi Gabriel,

I'll pass this on but in the meantime can you please fill out a support request form (provided you are a subscriber)?

Peach :)

Hello Gabriel,

I just checked for a support case under "rockflush@gmail", and didn't render any results. Have you submitted a report through our support link as suggested by our Peach?


Hi again Gabriel,

Our support team just sent you specific instructions on how to deauthorize/reauthorize your previous installation. Please complete the steps, and contact our support staff if you have any questions or trouble following them. When you contact our support team, please do a "reply" to the email they sent with the instructions, that way it will be easier and faster to track your case.


views:1816 update:2011/10/15 21:01:16
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