Regarding corona "viewer" features


looked everywhere but can't find the awnser to this. Is there a viewer app for corona like there is in gamesalad ? if your not familiar with the feature heres a link to it ? It allows you to quickly test any changes live on the device... if you can't do this, do you have to do it by adhoc builds every time ?

Also not really a features question but coming to this new what is the commonly used text editor for corona ? i know you can use notepad ++ and stuff. But just wandered what the one everyone use for editing lua ?


Hi Sam...


So...Corona does have a "previewer" also and even better in my opinion! That is called Corona Simulator and it does have a Debugger and a Terminal for seeing whats is going on at the momment your code is running. Sure Corona is amazing. PS: The Corona viewer can simulate the real device and even better you can build for the Xcode and simulate your app there as it was in a real device...and if not satisfied just build for your real device.

About the Editor...that`s a very personal opinion and I think everyone has one...btw I love to edit my code using one of the most popular code editor that is called BBedit (its paid) but one "little brother" of this software is the "TextWrangler" (freeware) and also nice tool IMO.

See yah,

views:1326 update:2011/10/16 9:47:44
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