build for iphone

Hi, I've been working on an application for a while now.

I originally only bought the android version of corona. Ive had trouble finding testers so I subscribed to the IOS version too so that I can test the app on my Iphone. Im a windows user.

How do I go about exporting my app for iphone now? I cant find another version of corona to download.

Thanks in advance

Sorry mate,

But I do believe you are going to need a Mac anyway. Get one of a friend of you and build it cause on Windows I think you can just test on the Corona Simulator.


Rodrigo is correct.

As explained on the pricing/purchase pages, a Mac is required to build for iDevices. (This is because Apple requires the machine used to build has Xcode installed and Xcode cannot be installed under Windows.)


err.. is there anyway of getting my money back in that case. I just bought it.

thanks for the reply btw guys. I missed where it said you needed a mac to build for iphone. Is there someone I can contact at billing Peach?

Hey Anthony,

I am not involved with that side of things, so I can't tell you how it would work - but I can tell you how to make contact;

Peach :)

views:1522 update:2011/10/17 8:58:49
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