What steps can be taken to stop piracy?

This is an old website (2008)

Can the app be built to Xcode to add the checks in the above?

blog post was written in 2008 - doubtful to really prevent piracy.

hackers can break into pentagon, etc. so at EOD is a mute point.

heck, you can even find serial numbers and cracking software for the CS suite rampantly on the web....


thanks though for posting, but there is nothing much one can do about it.


So no methods are useful?

In my opinion, and I believe probably quite a few others, you will end up spending more money trying to stop piracy then it is worth.

You just have to stop thinking that piracy is losing you sales and more that it is gaining you exposure. If someone is willing to pirate a 69p game, chances are they weren't going to pay for it in the first place ( not losing sales ), but if they like it they may show it to their friends ( integrated facebook/twitter etc or in person ) and that way still gaining you exposure and hopefully some of those people will actually now pay for it who may never have even seen it otherwise.

The best way is to make piracy work for you. Put an app on the store for a cost and people will *think* of either buying it or not. Put it for free, they will download it and *think* to pay it or not.

I have Dark Horse, my first FREE game and isometric written in Objective-C that has quite a number of downloads and did not require fixes either. It was free, hence no revenue... I put an AD in it, and I start to get some revenue...

If I asked every user on the Ansca forum to buy my game retroballz at $0.99 that is about 200K users of which I would get only 70% which is $138K. Now that will not happen, but when I put it up for free, I had more downloads than ever in that window of 2 days and no advertising about it going free. Instead if I had adverts in it, I *could* end up with slight a better decent amount than if the game was to bomb.

And if someone is trying to Pirate your game, then take that as flattery, your game is worth that they are spending the time and effort on it. Otherwise with the millions of apps, who has the time to do that, unless it is *wanted* by many...

I would be more worried about the code/IP than the app being pirated.



I googled for my game and saw lots of pirated versions of it on android. I also found it on the popular iphone jb hacked app installer :/

At first it really annoyed the hell out of me, so I added some tracking. I compared sales vs the reported new users and found the pirate rate was about 3% to 4%. Considering most of those people never would have bought it anyway, i concluded its really not worth chasing it.

I've since noticed my ranks are steadily increasing, day by day, and I'm rated in nearly every app store. I seriously don't think its having much of a negative effect.

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