Effect Like This? (video link incl.)

Hey Corona Community,

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to do an effect like this:

Skip to 0:35 in the video. It's the "shockwave" effect where it looks like the whole screen ripples.


Any guidance?


move a group of display objects

You cannot do that with CoronaSDK. I needs some complex math to create the ripple and distort the image on screen.

If Ansca offers a bit more control on the OpenGL Quads, then that ripple effect is just one of the many cools things that developers can have, Curtains, cloth, what not...



yeah, openGL shaders are on the roadmap. maybe effects like this will be available in the future...

You are wrong, look here:
no shaders and other advanced OpenGL ES just fast vectors and math. Put some textures on it and you will have full 3D effect without shaders :)

I see. looks nice... but it's a completely different task.

003naveen wants to warp the whole game screen while the action continues. i really think you need pixel shaders for that.


views:1720 update:2011/10/18 8:54:01
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