Text Fields

These are a couple of things I've been dealing with over the past few weeks that I think should be addressed.

#1) Simulator emulation for native text fields and other simple native controls like Text Box. The build process is just too excruciating to rapidly test these things. Even just a simple rectangle would be nice so we can deal with positioning.

#2) Return key manipulation for text fields. Impossible to dismiss keyboards right now or at least very very hard without return key manipulation. It's annoying enough in actual Objective-C for good keyboard behavior, via LUA I have no idea where to start and the docs don't cover it.

Overall, form support in Corona is lacking. Things like placeholders for fields in simulators and maybe a good button factory method would be hugely welcome additions.

I want to re-enforce the first point.
I think that simulator support for native text fields is crucial, many application need tipical forms interaction and the lack of support into the simulator makes the tipical process "develop-build-test-develop" very slow.
This is at the opposite of the fast-development philosophy which is the base of a tool like corona.
I hardly hope that corona team will consider this issue into their plans.

views:2432 update:2011/9/17 17:36:15
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