localized icons in separate folders

Hello, I would like to put my localized icons (Icon.png, Icon@2.png etc) in separate folders (en_US, el_GR etc) according to the target language. I tried changing the path for build.settings but it seems the build process cant find the icons when inside folders (they have to be in the root of my project)

Is there a solution to this?

It looks like a lot of people are having this problem with Xcode apps as of iOS4. This article seems to have a solution:


Keep in mind, it seems to me that the plist {} block from the build.settings file gets copied directly to plist.info so anything you can put in an Xcode based project in plist.info should work with Corona. Folders will be copied directly, so if you can figure out the Xcode side of it, you should get it to work with Corona.

But most of the links I checked out in a Google search says it doesn't work.

thank you, I tried to change the paths of my icons inside these InfoPlist.strings files but nothing happens, I get the same errors during build process as it cant find the relevant icons...

thanks anyway.

views:1580 update:2011/11/10 9:30:09
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