Character and Platform Physics Question

I'm working on my first game and I've ran across a problem that I'm not sure how to fix. In my game I use a joystick to move my character back and forth through my 2D environment. I was able to accomplish this with no problem. The problem I'm having is with my moving platforms that my character can jump on. When my platform reaches the top of its y movement and proceeds to go down the character jumps and rests slightly above the actual physical body. Making my character unable to jump because my jump is based on whether or not my character is standing on a surface that I allow a jump from. Then when the platform reaches the bottom of its motion and changes direction back upward the character gets pushed into the physical body and is able to jump again. Is there a way to keep to character in a sense glued to the platform and nullify the physics bodies from acting the way the currently are? I would greatly appreciate some feedback, thanks.

Thanks, moving the position with "setLinearVelocity" worked :)

Excellent! Good luck with your first game :)


views:1674 update:2011/11/14 9:16:56
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