create an circumference with physics

Hi.. how can create a circumference in corona sdk that have physics..
i want to put an object inside that circumference, and that object must collide with the circumference.
if i use the display.newCircle a circle will be created...but is a circle not an circumference...

Thanks :)

You cannot create a ring shape as you describe with one simple object; however you could look into PhysicsEditor, that could greatly simplify the process.

Peach :)

Hi, thanks.

I've tested with PhysicsEditor. But to make a perfect ring is a little tricky ...

I have also developed a function that creates lines forming a ring but then I get when I apply physics i get numerous unconnected points...


You could perhaps make two half rings using PhysicsEditor, then join them together to make a circle.

Would this work for you?

Peach :)

Thanks. I'm trying to do that...
I'm trying do do a square with two holes and add a ball inside that hole.

so i have to apply the bounding box do the square expect for the holes..

i have create two half rings with physicsEditor and trying to add that to the bouding box of the square..

Still trying...


views:1570 update:2011/11/25 8:45:21
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