App not building on device

I'm a trial user and when i build the app to run on my iPhone it just gives me a blah screen. When i build the sample apps they run perfectly but not the apps I'm making can someone please help me out

maybe your code is not good somehow
test in in xcode and see what progress log will show you, it can point you in the right directions

Build for IOS Simulator or Device and look the logs. For IOS Simulator use CONSOLE and for Device use XCODE device console to look for the error message..

darkconsoles is correct..There must be an error in your code that is causing it to show up blank.


How can i bring up the debug console in the Xcode simulator

ok i found out how to bring up the console and i ran it in the Xcode simulator i had an image missing that was the only warning it was giving me i fixed that but there is still a blank screen

Alfred - Would need to look at your code to comment more about the issue..Blank screen generally means that your display objects could not be initialized..In my experience it could be syntax error, which has not been caught by corona simulator and got caught by IOS simulator.

for starting console, just type CONSOLE in spotlight.


views:1378 update:2011/12/29 9:44:01
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