Looking for graphics to help understand Corona

I need some help getting my head around the code for CSDK. I'm in the printing business and work with InDesign, Illustrator, and more all day long. I've also been programming relatively simple databases since dbase II (no I'm not 20 years old). I run my business with everyone using a Filemaker program that I wrote (A/P, A/R, orders, etc, etc.) So I have a fair understanding of databases and understand that logic. I've also programmed some HTML but mostly through Dreamweaver, so I'm not sure that counts. I use Wordpress now - much easier.

I really want to learn Corona SDK after giving up on obj-c. I'm just an individual who loves this stuff and wants to publich some apps and games. Corona is where it's at and I think is the future of mobile apps. Learning any code is like learning a foreign language. After a month and a half I have a "passive" understanding. I can read it and understand a lot of it, but I can't speak it (write it) yet. I need to get to the active understanding where I can write it.

In the little spare time I have, I'm watching videos and reading articles from learningcorona.com. It's just not sinking into my brain like it should be.

I finally realized that what I need is more than just viewing code. I need graphical representations of how Corona works. I.e., vars, functions, code sequence, tables, etc. etc. I remember seeing a lot of that for obj-c but can't remember seeing any for Corona.

Does anyone know if anything like that exists? Or is anyone interested in creating something like that? Or do you know of some other sites that may help me understand.



i never seen anything like what you ask, and i'd like to see that too, even if there's no need for it for myself

btw if you want any help outside forums, join us:

Hi Al @geek4, I don't have answer to your specific question, but I came to Corona SDK much like you (and probably even less knowledge of coding/programming than you).

What got me going was by fooling around with the sample code that comes with SDK -- which I started after 4th of July holidays this last summer. Making changes to the sample projects, figuring out how things fit together (using tons of print statements to understand what does what), reading up a storm on Corona Forum, which is filled with super helpful, gracious, smart and knowledgeable people (and I've found tons and tons of gems), and now I have a fully playable game of my own with 18 levels, which I'm working to polish and finalize. I still have lots to do before submitting to Apple (and I'm about to take 2 weeks off on vacation -- good for my sanity, but bad for reaching the final line after being on this mad sprint for what-feels-like-too-long). Even though this creeping sense of impatience is beginning to bug me, still, it's been super rewarding thus far.

I wish you the best of luck with your endeavor.


Hi Al,

Read your post with interest and empathy! I was/am in a very similar position to you.

I started playing around with Corona in May/June and started with a notebook, watching videos and writing functions and codes down in my notebook etc.

It just didn't seem to sink in!

I then made it a personal goal to get an app published-albeit a very simple one, but a totally original one where I had written most of the code myself and if I had "borrowed it" from the forums etc. that I had played with it enough to fully understand it.

I achieved that goal in August and it felt fantastic. I then decided on another project, which included stuff I hadn't learnt in the previous project to increase my knowledge levels.

This approach has worked for me very well.

In fact, I actually bid on a job on a freelance site to further my knowledge and succeeded in writing a formula/utility type app to be used by field engineers for a company! (I actually got paid to learn)!!

I am quite visual and have frequently used my own flow/mindmap diagrams to help me work things out whilst writing the code.

So, for me the learning and the visualisation element have been combined and enhanced by working towards a personal goal, rather than just trying to "learn" in the conventional sense.

I still have a massive, massive way to go, but feel that this route suited me and actually got me pro-actively using Corona more than I would have done otherwise.

I would say "Stick with it!" it has been one of the most frustrating, fulfilling and rewarding experiences I have had!

For my next projects I have to look at databases, for next loops (which I still don't fully understand) and I'd love to get a game out there!

Hope this might help you choose a route and afterwards maybe you could design a visualisation of Corona/Lua and share it.



PS My last programming experiences were on my 16k Sinclair ZX Spectrum using BASIC (although I have dabbled with HTML/servers/websites etc).

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