Lua online course?

How does one learn the Lua language?
Is there an online course we can enroll in?
Do you have to go to uni?

for me i just search tutorials and look around the forums

I haven't come across a course and I know here the unis I've looked at do not offer it. (Although some might, I've only looked at a couple.)

Are you starting from nothing or do you have a little experience with Corona already?

Peach :)

Just playing with the codes in the hello world tutorials and looking around the forum.

Is this what everyone does? Is there no diploma course in lua people can learn from scratch ?

I realise a most people have experience in other programing languages and can pick lua up very fast but as a new comer without experience I'd like to learn from scratch so I don't miss anything.

Surely someone must have learnt the Lua code from somewhere?

With some many countries having access to the net, I think there would be a great demand for a diploma course?

im learning for a half-year just by myself
basically its all tuts from + lua manuals at and
and will to learn

Hey Paul,

I actually started out with no coding experience of any kind not that long ago myself. (A little over a year.)

I pieced things together using the sample code Ansca provides, although admittedly when you have zero experience it can be a bit much at first.

I've got a mini series on Techority called "Corona For Newbies", which has 4 parts and has been very well received - it is definitely worth checking out as it assumes no prior knowledge.

You can find it on Techority or on (That has a list of all the Corona tutorials available online, my mini series is listed first.)

Peach :)

PS - Alexey's suggestion is also a good one :)

views:1894 update:2012/1/13 9:04:04
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