Cross Stitch 2 Go: Sent for review

Navigating round the requirements for getting an app into the App Store ranks right up there with selling a house or getting divorced in terms of keeping all the bits together.

I think I've done it. My app is now waiting review. Deep breaths. :)

Sorry, what is it, you ask?
Well, it's very unlikely to appeal to most of the people on this forum: it's an application to do cross stitch design. (Ask your mum, its a kind of embroidery..)

When / if it is approved, I'll do the whole filling out forms thing at Ansca.
Meanwhile, heres a Facebook page:

ps: How do you link images here?

@jeff472 - Just would like to say: Congratulations!

PS: I know well what is this feeling. :)

To post images use:

<img src="theImageURL"></img>

Congrats! Best of luck with the app!


Congrats jeff472. Screenshots look neat..Would check it out once it land on the appstore. keep us posted..

I am submitting my app today evening.. fingers crossed :)

Thanks all.
Rscdev.. The like hasn't shown up. No biggie, unless I messed up the facebook page. :)
Time will tell.

Sorry, I am going there right now.

EDIT: DONE! Sorry for the delay - I liked that. :)

neat :-)



I hope it goes smoothly through the review process. It's really painful to wait for the status to change.

And about the app not appealing to most here, I think I can top that. I'm waiting the "in review" to clear for an application that delivers menopause relief hypnosis sessions as in app-purchases ;)

I think this will not get any public following on a Facebook page ;)

views:1547 update:2012/2/6 12:03:31
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