read-only file system error when creating a file under the system.DocumentsDirectory on android phone

I am getting an error when I try to create a file in the documents directory on my android phone

the code:
local path = system.pathForFile(fileName, system.DocumentsDirectory)

local myFile, errors = fileName, "w" )

I am using "myFile.txt" for the fileName

the error returned was "read-only file system"

I got the same error when I tried the using system.TemporaryDirectory

Do I need specific permissions set for this?

I was helping someone who had a very similar problem. The app ran fine on the iOS devices but on Android it would download the content from the server. He ended up using system.TemporaryDirectory and got it working. But he was getting a permission problem writing to system.DocumentsDirectory and system.CachesDirectory.

It would be nice to know the answer to this....


if it is regarding permission add this


i cant test it as it is a lot to test but it is suppose to work


I saw that. I know many people keep their apps on their external storage, but I was gathering that permission to mean the ability to write files outside the app sandbox onto external storage, like saving a PDF file so that it could be read on another device. But I guess it's worth trying.

Someday I'll be android friendly.


Thanks for the help, but it actually turned out to be a very obvious error in my code.

above, notice how I am passing filename into
and not path....

views:1794 update:2012/2/7 8:40:54
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