Version compiled to


I have read in the docs and forums that the compiler will compile the app to the minimum version that code and functionality written will allow. How do you find out what version its been compiled to?

As when uploading to App store you need to specify minimum version



Minimum version is 4.3

However you can override this (ie set a higher version) via the build.settings

See this

Thanks as always Danny

However doesn't completely answer my question which was if it couldn't be compiled down to 4.3 how would I know what that version was? Or does the compiler not do that any any library or API call can all be used to a minimum of 4.3?

Well the sdk only supports functions that are 4.3 and above compatible.

Say your calling a function that only works on ios 5, as far as im aware all functions have failsafes built in so they don't run on os's there not compatible with.

Thanks Danny I'll use 4.3 in the app store for information

As far as i know you don't need to. If a user on a lower firmware attempts to purchase it a pop up appears and tells them that they need firmware xxx to use the app

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