What Happened to SpriteDeck?

Hey... I've been on several back to back Unity projects, and was looking to see what version SpriteDeck is up to, and it seems to have vanished from 3rd Party Tools?

Did the developer let it die? Shame, it looked promising. Shame I bought it and now appears to have been abandoned.


He open sourced it and asked me to remove the forum since he couldn't support it anymore.


Ouch... Nice if you didn't purchase the prerelease, but sorta sucks if you did. And... Any existing info or help that was in the forum got nuked as well.

Joy joy joy...burn


Apologies. I was under impression he had entered a forum post that the forum was going away.


No worries Carlos. Certainly no reflection on Corona or it's 3rd Party software community. These things happen... just a drag, seemed like a useful initiative.

Onward and forward,


If he open-sourced it then he really ought to take down the "buy" page:


They are turning out to be pretty irresponsible, too bad.

Actually, I was hoping to get a copy of the source if the project had been abandoned. Any idea where to download?

Wow, that's a shocker. And as another Corona tool vendor, sad to see.


Can't you incorporate/take over the Sprite Deck project Jay?

-- Chris

Probably not, as it's an Air app, I think, and I haven't been an ActionScript programmer for 6-7 years. So I'd be handling two separate codebases and some days I have enough trouble handling just one. :)


If SpriteDeck is dead... It should be yanked from the 3rd party developer page. Would hate someone to buy it and learn as I did that the developer simply abandoned the product, but not my $


Where did he put the open-source code? I might possibly be interested in continuing it, maybe call it SpriteSalad? :-)

SpriteDeck Licence Activation


I just downloaded a new install of SpriteDeck and seem unable to apply the licence key I purchased from spritedeck.com. Does anyone know how to apply the licence key to a fresh install. There is no prompt, no menu item, no read me to point to a configuration option. Without applying the licence key, you cannot save or export a new project. Anyone?

Kind regards, Andrew

views:1671 update:2011/9/20 13:12:00
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