Using CPM Effectively

I got CPM as part of the December promotion and just started playing with it. I just can't seem to nail down the proper way to use it (keep in mind I am coming from TextWrangler/Photoshop/Garageband/File system).

For instance, I've tried adding lua files to the library and it doesn't work. I understand I can copy-paste code into snippets and use it later, but really what I'm trying to do is have a lua code library, not a list of tiny little pieces of code to use.

I also can't find a way to "sync" my CPM projects with the file system. That means if I have projects A, B, C, and D, I could theoretically find myself in a position where file "pointers" are flying around everywhere and the assets aren't easily accessible on the file system.

CPM also doesn't seem to auto-refresh. So if, for example, I add new pictures from photoshop into a folder that is linked to CPM, the files aren't there. I have to add them one at a time.

I'm sure I'm doing a bunch of stuff wrong, but I can't find the tutorial videos mentioned on the website, though I did look at the "Tour" video.

Can anyone give me some tips on how to best use this thing?

Also, I've figured this out from reading some previous posts, Corona Simulator does not seem to provide CPM a way to pull API calls. That means for Indie/Pro subscribers we have to keep manually entering stuff from daily builds instead of having that sync automatically.

views:1778 update:2012/2/10 9:26:24
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