any chance spriteloq could automate this?

can I do this currently with Frame Padding (not the edge extend, that would be sweet too.

Frame padding helps with this issue I believe.

As far as the edge extend, I probably won't be including that since there are manual though tedious workarounds. This feature is specific to a type of game.

The real solution would be to get Ansca to update Corona to allow different interpolation options or design your graphics with this in mind.

Otherwise you can contact me about a premium support contract me in private to do a special build of Spriteloq for you with this option.

yea, and another thing about it that would be brutal would be sometime my game has edges that are not exactly edges to meet up with other tiles. It would be way to hard for your program to take the sprite sheet and determine what is an edge that is supposed to be an edge to meet a tile, or what is an edge that ends because it is just graphics and should be left alone.

one thing I was thinking, is if you could allow for negative padding. such as -1 so it would leave a pixel border around the true box edge of an object. This way the object would be able to get the padding plus the extra pixel vs having the pixel that always smooths to an alpha pixel. Because that is what seems like the problem is, the edges(once scaled) smooth to the next pixel and if that pixel is alpha, the smooth makes a half pixel or gradient pixel that shows what is under it as a super thin line. That would still be there, but the -1 padding would make that edge under another tile.

Again, I am an experienced developer, but alas a broke one at the moment. If I had the consulting bucks believe me I would have already spent them on your consultation for sure. But the banging my head against the keyboard to solve problems has been good for me. And, just so you know, I pimp your SpriteLoq almost daily in the freenode #corona IRC room. Total fan of it.

My game looks good and the slivers are really tiny and not noticeable even on higher res devices like iPad. Also since my tile maps layer, I get most of those gaps filled in by similar graphics beneath.

Just throwing out some ideas.

(would -1 padding crash spriteLoq?)

Instead of negative padding, can you just have your tiles oversized and overlap? The problem with negative padding is that you'll still get that interpolation on the edges regardless and that's why I was getting the slivers issue with frames from one sprite bleeding over onto another frame.

oh, I didn't think about it from the end of sprite loq. yea, I think I will go double on the pixels and give that a try.

views:1969 update:2012/2/10 9:26:24
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