Where do I go to renew my subscription for an additional year

If I select purchase, the inputs are my shipping address and credit card info. How do I link this to my existing account?

I sent an email to sales, there response is

"You can extend your subscription for another 12 months for $99 by logging in with your current account information and purchasing. It will get tied to your current account if you log in using your current account."

I'm now good through April 2012


I just renewed too. But only my Corona SDK subscription got extended, not the game edition. Is that the same with you too? I thought both will be extended.


I have also bought Corona. In my account details I can only see Corona Basic SDK. (?)

I sent an email requesting the Alpha of the game edition. About 3-days later I received an email allowing me to download the alpha.
I just went into my "account info" and its showing the following:

Corona Game Edition Prerelease, Corona Newsletter, Corona Subscribers

I just download "Corona Game Edition Beta"

Try sending an email to


I have sent an email asking for the missing GE role in the account details...

views:1385 update:2011/9/21 13:23:32
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