"Turtle Fly" type game?

Hey, so how would I go about creating a game where you fly up and the screen moves with you (or the background just moves down) just like that "Turtle Fly" game?
Would i have to make a whole lot of different backgrounds and the stitch them together in code? Or is there some code that just repeats the background at the top of the screen as it moves off the page at the bottom?

Did you try lime? it is one of the easiest way to move the scene with your character.



mmm yeah but i sorta dont want to pay for any software at the moment since im only experimenting on something
but thanks for the suggestion anyways

If you only want the code to make the background scroll downwards (and loop, obviously) to give the impression of your hero flying forward, I have some code for that.

See here; http://techority.com/2011/07/16/how-to-use-a-scrolling-background-portraitdown/

Peach :)

thanks for that it worked well :)
but lets say i wanted to be able to move in all directions (the background scrolls left and right too), would i have to create a big canvas in Photoshop and then import it into the stage?
If that is what i should do, wouldnt it make the game lag because of such a big picture?

Hey Shaun,

It depends on the size of the image.

Take a look at this; http://developer.anscamobile.com/code/parallax-class

That's controlled by drag but will give you an idea :) (It runs fine, too.)

Peach :)

views:1355 update:2011/9/26 8:07:09
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