Asset Localization


I am considering using Corona for my game development and have one quick question:

How is asset localization handled in Corona?

Is there an equivalent to the localized.strings on iOS for stings?

Can other assets be added simply with multiple localizations?

Or do you have to handle all assets with different names and some how get the user's local to switch between assets?

Thanks for any help clarifying these points.

try naming your assets as en_image1.png, de_image1.png, es_image1.png, jp_image1.png, it_image1.png and so on, I hope you get the idea on naming, then have a language selection for the user as there is *NO* localisation available in Corona. From the button pressed, prefix the locale that the user has chosen and you are on your way to multiple languages.



You could detect the language of the phone as set by the user with something like

local language = system.getPreference( "ui", "language" )  -- "en" if english, etc.

If you stored all your text data in tables, one table per language, you could then conditionally load your text depending on the language specified.

@XenonBL, there's something I did not know, always nice to learn something new. I could do all of that in objective-C, but never required and saw that in Corona.



Ok thank you both very much for the information.

views:1469 update:2011/9/28 8:56:32
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