Newbie trying to make a picture book app.

I'm brand new with Corona and wanted to take a stab at creating a simple kids picture book app. I have experience with HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript but am having difficulty starting from zero with Corona.

Can anyone point me in the direction of some sample ebook app code or projects? I tend to understand things better if I can take them apart rather than just come up with them.

Ultimately, I'd like to create some parallax moves with animated layers when a page opens and have the characters (or objects) trigger dialogue or sound effects when touched.

Finally, if there's a better place in the forum to post this question, please let me know. Thanks!


take a look at the director class in our forum... that one is used to flip pages (scenes)....

our code exchange can help out too.


@Carlos I think that's exactly what I needed. Thanks!

views:1519 update:2011/10/3 8:06:12
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