Problem Uploading Binary to iTunes Connect

Hello Everyone,

I have written my first corona app called " Maths+" . I have created the new app in iTunes connect .
When i build my application in Corona using distribution certificate . It says build successful .

When i open application loader and point it to binary : .

It returns this error : This bundle is invalid. The executable name, as reported by CFBundleExecutable in the info.plist file, may not contain any of these characters: \ [] {} parenthesis . + *

Can anyone suggest me a work around for this ? . Thank you :-)

It returns this error : This bundle is invalid. The executable name, as reported by CFBundleExecutable in the info.plist file, may not contain any of these characters: \ [] {} parenthesis . + *

call your app MathPlus instead of Math+

or call Tim Cook and have him change the restriction just for you ;-) /JK


Hello Carlos ,

Thanks for quick reply , Im sure if i call it something else without special characters it would work. But won't apple reject my app? Because Ive read few posts online who's app's got rejected due to different application name in AppStore and Application Name.

Thank you.

Because My final Build would be and the Application Name on AppStore will be Maths+.

Ah. that's a different story. rename your app store and app name.


OMG that sucks. :( I would have to redo everything again. Cuz all my Gamecenter Openfeint Leaderboards are set up with that name .

that sucks.


I am not 100% sure that the has much bearing on the app.

In CoronaSDK, you can have you app to be but rename your zip to be, I have had apps *made in Corona* that have a space in the name, but iTunes does not allow a zip file with a space, so .... I removed the space and uploaded it and it worked.

As a rule, I prefer not to use any characters other than [Aa-Zz] and [0-9] in my filenames, it is also due to the fact that I had set up a ftp server for use with MS Office 2000 and any file opened from the FTP server with a space would open as ReadOnly and other related issues with spaces and other characters.



Thanks Jayant I will quickly give it a try and post back with results

No luck with that one :(. Returns the same error. I think the problem lie's with the Unix executable file name inside .

I tried manually opening and modify contents of info.plist. I changed bundle name and bundle display name to Maths leaving executable field with Maths+. and i zipped it again and tried to resubmit.

It says Application failed code sign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate.

Anyways thanks again for kind replies. I wonder how many apps in AppStore have "+" symbol under display name.

views:2215 update:2011/10/4 8:06:35
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