3280 builds today

Only 3280? Hell, I feel like half of these builds are mine :-)

I'm just having so much fun programming (1 month of Corona - yeeeeey) that I seem to be putting a fresh build on my iPhone every 30 minutes. I probably won't make a dime with my games, but Corona is very cool!

yeah remember my first few months think i only got about 30 min sleep each night

wow, i'm enjoying coding with corona, but you guys are crazy)
and thats admirable i think
i do 2-3 builds on a very good day)

I build every now and then to ensure performance is equal on the device to that of the simulator.

I will build about 3-5 times per day when testing my apps on phones.

Jordan Schuetz
Ninja Pig Studios

When I'm testing my own apps these days I only build to test on device(s) near the end. (Because I rarely have issues any more with Device VS simulator.)

When I made my math game template for Techority's store though, I think I probably did about 40 builds because I was paranoid about it working correctly each time I made any minor adjustments ;)

Who's talking about device vs. simulator issues? I just build so often because it's too much fun playing your own game on the device :-)

Unfortunately I can only work on the game after work and after quality time with the missus, so on average I have 6 hours a week. Bummer. So much work to do: art, music, programming - DIY guy here, folks!


It's true, testing on device is a LOT of fun, although that's part of why I put it off for a bit. On the good apps I get too caught up playing ;)

I usually build once after a day's work, but when I'm adjusting the positions of text objects I'm building all the time because there are some weird inconsistencies there. Anyways, testing on a device is so much fun!

Polygonblog, that's a really nice logo you've got there. It's got a lot of character :)

Thank you Peach!

views:1655 update:2011/10/11 8:57:46
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